Favorite Friday: Organizing Your Space With Storage Bins

Updated: Aug 25, 2020

Happy Friday! We are so excited to be sharing our favorite books, curriculum, resources, and supplies that we use to homeschool! Each Friday, we will be sharing products we love to use in our own homeschooling adventure. Enjoy these homeschooling items that we can’t live without….and you shouldn’t either!

Today we are sharing items that we have used to keep our school spaces organized! Be sure to read our post on how to create the perfect school space in your home. We love book bins and drawer organizers, they will help you keep wherever you do school neat and tidy!

Book bins are a terrific way to keep everything in one spot! There are so many ways to use these to keep track of all of those homeschooling items. They can fit on bookshelves, sit on the floor, or even slide under furniture like an end table. We have used book bins in a variety of ways throughout the years.

We love these easy to see through bins because they are great for each child to store their school items, gather teacher guides, store larger manipulatives, or pack up items when moving school to a different location!

These soft-sided bins are great to use as a catch-all to keep all of those library books contained in one space, as a special activity bin (that you can rotate different toys, puzzles, and resources), storage for toys, or a space to organize any resources to use for a unit study. Bonus--it stores flat when not in use!

These small drawer organizers are super helpful in organizing small school supplies! Believe it or not, I ordered the six pack and used every single one of them to corral all of those small office supplies or craft items that you inevitably collect! What all is stored in my 18+ drawers? Mechanical pencils, colored pencils, pens, markers, highlighters, paintbrushes (2 drawers worth), tape, brads, rubber bands, staplers, erasers, math manipulatives, compasses, protractors, notecards, hole punches, paperclips, binder clips, Post-It notes, thank-you notes, binder rings…... I think you get the point! My kids know right where to go when they are looking for any smaller supply, and I am thrilled that it is contained to one bookshelf in my house!

We hope that you will find these books bins and small drawer organizers as valuable as we do. You will want to be sure to check out our other Favorite Friday picks!

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